Cheeks help to frame the entire face and support many features such as lips, tear trough area, jaw line and chin. Ageing causes cheeks to reduce in fullness and that contributes to drooping lips, jowls and reduced definition of the jaw line contributing to an “aged look”. Skin Cliniq London provides a premium filler treatment which is safe and helps to regain a youthful, contoured curve to the cheeks making them higher and firmer with immediate effects.

Cheekbones can be easily defined with dermal fillers. We can create more sculpted look and help to restore the volume caused by sagging around the cheeks.

This treatment also can be combined with nose to mouth line fillers and would contribute to the secondary improvement of skin dropping around the mouth.

Who is suitable for treatment?

  • Patients that have lost volume in their face and cheeks due to the natural ageing process. The treatment also makes the nose look less prominent and softens the nose to mouth lines.
  • For the younger patient that is looking for a more defined and contoured look that looks natural rather than relying on make up alone

Who carries out the treatment?

The procedure is carried out by an experienced dentist who has many years of experience providing these procedures.

The procedure:

  • A consultation will be required with one of our clinicians detailing your concerns and past medical and cosmetic history
  • Photographs will be taken before the procedure
  • Consent for treatment will be obtained
  • The skin is cleansed and the filler is applied using very fine needles designed for these types of treatments.
  • Advances in administration techniques mean that treatment can now be provided without the need for local anaesthetic
  • Numbing creams can be used for additional comfort
  • Post procedure photographs will be taken
  • Post procedure instructions will be given
  • You will be invited to attend a review appointment in 2 weeks

Results are immediate and last from 6-18 months.